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Qb-doorlock but easy to add New Doors!

How to add new doors?

  • Download the edited doorlock script from Here
  • Make sure you get the hash of the door using your×680-1.png menu or using Devtools
  • Make sure you don’t add any quotes ” or ‘ while adding the hash. Follow the below example
  • Example:
	objName = -1185205679,
	objYaw = 165.0,
	objCoords  = vector3(-104.8184, 6473.147, 31.62671),
	textCoords = vector3(-104.8184, 6473.147, 31.62671),
	authorizedJobs = {'police', 'police1'},
	locking = false,
	locked = true,
	pickable = false,
	distance = 2,
	size = 0.5
  • Also make sure you add the correct coordinates for text + object
  • Voila! It should add as a door!

FiveM Scripts

FiveM Qbcore Doorlock

Qbcore Doorlock Script

Qb-doorlock FiveM

qb-doorlock how to add new doors